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  Human Rights and Development

Human Rights And Development

by Jagat Pal

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 660.00
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  Law Education now a days occupy a very substantial and important place in the university curriculum and every university has and every university has a Faculty of Law in it to impart law education to its students. The universities are being assisted bylaw universities are being assisted by law colleges and law schools which are affiliated to the university. Still further, the law education is being imparted through distance education and enabling students who are unable to attend the whole time law courses. Law like other disciplines occupy an important place in the University Grants Commission`s educational business. Law education owes its existence to the overbearing needs of all social, economic, political and humanitarian considerations experienced by human civilization. Legal education was recognized by lord Cornwallis in 1793, during British regime. Gradually it developed in different universities of India with different syllabi. After independence Parliament by enacting Advocate Act, 1961, has given autonomy to Bar Council of India on legal education. ISBN 9788183874236

Pages : 206
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