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  Business Excellence through Innovative HR Practices

Business Excellence Through Innovative Hr Practices

by Charu Shri, Preeti Narendra

  Price : Rs 550.00
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  Excellence is not just about best practices or keeping pace with the competition or about leapfrogging the competition on Monday to be caught again on Wednesday rather it`s increasingly concerned with having the individual intellectual capacity and the collective business intelligence to predict today what will happen tomorrow. The present business environment is competitive and companies are demanding excellence from their HR personnel. Despite the searches for better ways of doing business, some organizations continue to struggle in order to retain their competitive edge.

Organizations are required to respond to change faster and with greater risk whilst operating in an imperfect internal and external climate. The shift has been towards the knowledge economy, global trading, information management, and the employment of people for their creativity and knowledge. To discuss these issues, the Institute for Technology and Management, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, organized the 7th National HR Conference in December 2010. The principal theme of the conference was “Business Excellence through Innovative HR Practices`. This book is a collection of the papers presented during the conference by several professionals, representing industry and academia.

ISBN - 9788174469762

Pages : 386
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