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  How To Be A Great Speaker

How To Be A Great Speaker

by A P Sharma

  Price : Rs 125.00
  Your Price : Rs 125.00
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  Oral communication is, in common parlance, having "a gift of the gab". If you don`t have it, you can cultivate it. This, in short, is what A.P. Sharma opines and in ten short chapters he tells you how this can be done. Speech making is an art that is useful to acquire given the fact that almost anyone can be called upon to make a speech depending on the occasion, time or place. In any case, being prepared for such a contingency can be enjoyable and certainly worthwhile.

Step by step the author tells you how to initially prepare to make a speech by first organizing your material, introducing the theme, preparing an outline and writing down the speech. He emphasizes the importance of being mentally prepared, overcoming stage fright, acquiring knowledge about the subject matter of the speech, finding out about the quality of the audience, honing one`s verbal skills and similar points that will help in the delivery of a good speech.

A valuable self-help book for a fairly large readership that can, at any time, be called upon to speak in public or private gatherings large or small.isbn-9789380619262

Pages : 128
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