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Programming With C# .Net

by Sathiaseelan, J.G.R. , Sasikaladevi, N.

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 297.50
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  C# is the newest of Microsoft`s languages that makes use of the Microsoft .NET Framework”a comprehensive set of classes that provide functionality in every aspect of the programming industry with its new object-oriented products. This book provides a step-by-step understanding of the programming concepts and theories for the beginners in .NET programming. It focuses on the Windows-based application programs, Visual programming concepts, interactive graphics fundamentals, and database connectivity concepts. The text includes topics such as Windows Forms, Windows Controls, Windows programming, data access with ADO .NET, and handling data access and data manipulation in codes.

Thoroughly practical and elaborate, the book provides deep insights into the .NET programming concepts and is designed to enhance the programming skills of the users of C#.


The coverage is quite comprehensive, with more than 100 solved problems.

All concepts are supported by plenty of tables, screen shots, and connectivity codes to make the reader comprehend the concepts better.

Intended primarily as a text for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of Computer Science and Engineering, and Electronics and Communication Engineering, this book will be extremely useful also for the students of Master/Bachelor of Computer Applications (MCA and BCA) and Information Technology. It should also prove to be helpful as a reference for software developers ranging from .NET professionals, Visual programmers, to graphic designers.isbn-9788120337268

Pages : 480
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