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  Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Planets, Signs & Houses

Encyclopedia Of Vedic Astrology: Planets, Signs & Houses

by Dr.Shanker Adawal

  Price : Rs 375.00
  Your Price : Rs 375.00
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  The notion that astrologers can unfold lives and reveal what waits at the next bend is a thought that comes to all and populist claims have inspired the author to come up with a series of books that will discuss the various aspects in astrology, putting together the research and findings by various groups and the experience gained during his journey. The purpose of the encyclopedia is an attempt to put a clear understanding of the process of astrology, taking into account the first basic principles and dealing with different topics. The encyclopedia which would consist of over eighteen books, is intended to be brought out over a period of two years. These would cover the basics in astrology and then go on to the predictive techniques, the nadi astrology, tajik, yogas, nakshatras, rectification of birth time, vargas, dashas, mundane prashna, muhurta, remedy and other aspects of interest. The advantage of this would be that both students and those who want to pursue research can progress the understanding of this science in a systematic manner. Also the complete set will be of great value to those in India and abroad who want to understand various levels and will give them the flexibility of dwelling into the complexities in a coherent manner. With the growing interest to learn this science in various countries, the readers there will find this series of books very useful.
This is the first book in the series and is the most important. The foundation is based on the principles of basic astrology propounded by various schools of thought. The book covers signs, their impact, the planetary impact in each sign, the role of depositors, details on each planet and their relationship when in aspect and in the divisional charts as also the complexities they can pose. This book attempts at conveying that the basic importance has to be given to the planets, their placement and various relationship as a result of the same. The yogas, dasha, nakshatras etc. will be dealt in the other books that follow, but all have to be applied keeping in mind the first basic principles that are being enumerated in this book.

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