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   	 Strategic Reuse with Asset-Based Development

Strategic Reuse With Asset-Based Development

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  Reuse has often been touted as an approach to solving issues, such as time to market and solution quality. Reuse over the years has taken on a number of forms, ranging from copy and paste of code, reuse of objects, reuse of components, to more recently the reuse of services. However, we still find ourselves running late on our projects (when we do deliver) and having poor quality. Unfortunately, we often underestimate the effort and forethought needed in creating a successful reuse program within an organization. Successful reuse is not something that happens by accident or by just wishing it to be true. This IBM Redbooks publication is focused on a best practice-based approach to strategic reuse within software delivery, known as Asset-Based Development, that will assist in addressing these issues. We do not contend that this is the "silver bullet" that will fix all of the issues that ail software delivery. However, Asset-Based Development is a key tool that needs to be found within the tool chest of all software development organizations (or at least those that want to succeed). This book is intended for all individuals who want to implement or understand strategic reuse with Rational Asset Manager. Table of Contents Part 1. Introduction Chapter 1. Introduction to Asset-Based Development Chapter 2. ZYX Electronics case study Chapter 3. Tools in support of Asset-Based Development Chapter 4. Introduction to the IBM Rational Unified Process Chapter 5. Asset-Based Development and Asset Governance Rational Method Composer plug-ins Chapter 6. Value, impact, and return on investment Part 2. Reusable Assets Chapter 7. Adopting Asset-Based Development Chapter 8. Configure your asset repository Chapter 9. Produce reusable assets Chapter 10. Consume reusable assets Chapter 11. Manage reusable assets Part 3. Service Assets in an SOA Chapter 12. Introduction to service assets Chapter 13. Producing service assets Chapter 14. Consuming service assets Chapter 15. Managing service assets Part 4. Patterns Chapter 16. Introduction to patterns Chapter 17. Produce: Model-to-text pattern implementations Chapter 18. Produce: Model-to-model Chapter 19. Produce: Packaging for deployment Chapter 20. Consuming pattern implementations Chapter 21. Managing pattern implementation assets Appendix A. Rational Asset Manager: Installation and administration Appendix B. Integrating Asset-Based Development into a process Appendix C. Additional material. ISBN 9788184045215

Pages : 772
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