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   	 Security on the IBM Mainframe

Security On The Ibm Mainframe

by Vincente Ranieri, Lennie Dymoke-Bradshaw, Pekka Hanninen, Patrick Kappeler, Thomas Castiglion

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  This IBMa® Redbooksa® publication documents the strength and value of the IBM security strategy with System z hardware and software. In an age of increasing security consciousness, IBM System z provides the capabilities to address the needs of today`s business security challenges. This publication explores how System z hardware is designed to provide integrity, process isolation, and cryptographic capability to help address security requirements. We highlight the features of z/OS and other operating systems that offer a variety of customizable security elements within the framework of the security server and communication server components. We discuss z/OS and other operating systems and additional software that leverages the building blocks of System z hardware to provide solutions to business security needs.

This publication`s intended audience is technical architects, planners, and managers who are interested in exploring how the security design and features of System z, the z/OS operating system, and associated software address current issues such as data encryption, authentication, authorization, network security, auditing, ease of security administration, and monitoring.

About the Author
Karan Singh is a Project Leader at the ITSO.

Lennie Dymoke-Bradshaw is a long-term MVS practitioner. He has worked with S/370 since 1975 when he started programming a 370/145 running DOS/VS in PL/I and assembler. Over the years he has maintained his interest in programming while performing a variety of roles in applications programming, systems design, technical support, systems programming, software support, and whatever other technical roles customers have asked of him. During this time he has worked with every level of RACFa® since RACF 1.3, and he maintains an interest in computer security especially as applied to System z. Lennie joined IBM in 1996 and now works with System z cryptography as well. Lennie currently works in IBM System z software pre-sales in the UK, and publicizes the enormous benefits of System z from a security standpoint.

Thomas Castiglion is a Software Engineer with the IBM Software Group.

Pekka Hanninen is a Crypto and Security Specialist with C7D8 Consulting company, based in Helsinki, Finland. He was an IT Specialist for over 12 years in IBM Finland until his recent retirement. He has over 35 years of experience in IBM large System software. His areas of expertise include cryptography, RACF, and security administration. He holds certificates for CISSP, CISA, and CISM.

Vincente Ranieri Junior is an Executive IT Specialist in the Advanced Technical Support (ATS) team reporting to the Washington Systems Center. He has 28 years of experience working with IBM customers, 23 of which providing technical support for the System z platform. He is the System z Security Regional Designated Specialist for Americas South Region, leading several security projects across the region. He writes extensively and has co-authored several IBM Redbooks publications. He also teaches IBM classes worldwide on all areas of System z security.

Patrick Kappeler is a former IBM Technical Expert in the domain of IBM System z eBusiness Security. He practiced for the last decade both as an IBM Certified Consulting IT Specialist in the Montpellier (France) European Products and Solutions Support Center (PSSC) and as an IBM Redbooks publication co-author and Project Leader for the International Technical Support Organization (ITSO) in the IBM Poughkeepsie (USA) Laboratory. Patrick is now providing worldwide independent consultancy and education on IBM mainframes security, covering areas such as System z hardware integrated cryptography, RACF, Public Key Infrastructure, secure protocols, IP Security, and LDAP. ISBN 9789350232064

Pages : 292
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