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  Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus A Comprehensive Text (2 Vols)

Clinical Endocrinology And Diabetes Mellitus A Comprehensive Text (2 Vols)

by Sachdev

  Price : Rs 34995.00
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  This is the first comprehensive textbook on endocrinology and diabetes mellitus. It is intended to provide a linking bridge between the practice of clinical medicine and science of endocrinology by presenting condensed, authoritative, updated, scientific information. This book presents a balanced and evidencebased account of various endocrinology problems. Provides insights into various types of common and not so common complexities on disease and its management. The T2DM is potentially preventable with lifestyle modifications and medication. Similarly nutritional deficiency diseases like goitre, metabolic bone diseases are also preventable. This book provides an insight about new developments about the endocrines and their dysfunctional states which are not described in the common textbook study material. It explains how clinical intervention with appropriate tests and early diagnosis the onset of a disease could be prevented/delayed to save patients from avoidable complications. This book in two volumes is divided into six parts and further in subsections begins with a brief account of relevant embryology, applied anatomy and physiology. To help the readers understand better the clinical problem and management approach, several tables and figures are given. PART 1: GENERAL ENDOCRINOLOGY, Section 1: Basic Endocrinology; Section 2: Anterior Pituitary; Section 3: Hypothalamus; Section 4: Posterior Pituitary; Section 5: Neuroendocrinology; Section 6: Psychoendocrinology; Section 7: Thyroid Gland; Section 8: Adrenal Gland; Section 9: Pineal Gland; Section 10: Gut Hormones; Section 11: Lipids Metabolism; Sectiion 12: Obesity; Section 13: Mineral Metabolism; Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Disease; PART 2: REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY, Section 14: Development of Gonads, Sexual Differentiation and Intersex; Section 15: Reproductive Endocrinology: Male Factors; Section 16: Reproductive Endocrinology: Female Factors; Section 17: Endocrinology of Female Breast and Gestation; PART 3: PAEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGY, Section 18. Growth and Development; Section 19: Hypo-and Hyperthyroidism in Children; Section 20: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH); PART 4: IMAGING AND RADIO-DIAGNOSIS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY, Section 21: Imaging in Endocrinology; Section 22: Mammography and Imaging; PART 5: SPECIAL TOPICS, Section 23: Special Topics in Endocrinology; PART 6: DIABETOLOGY, Section 24: Glucose Metabolism and Hypoglycaemia; Section 25: Diabetes Mellitus and Insulin Resistance; Section 26: Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes Mellitus; Section 27: Hyperglycaemic Effects on Other Body Systems; Section 28: Chronic Diabetic Complications; Section 29: Acute Metabolic Complications of Diabetes Mellitus, Section 30. Special Topics in Diabetes Mellitus. ISBN: 9788184483475

Pages : 1126
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