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  Evidence Based Guidelines During Pregnancy for the Obstetricians

Evidence Based Guidelines During Pregnancy For The Obstetricians

by Saxena

  Price : Rs 2150.00
  Your Price : Rs 1720.00
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  Key features • Provides the best tips and advice on the healthcare of the mother during her most crucial period of pregnancy. • This text provides a solid foundation for assessment of nutritional requirements and status during pregnancy apart from the therapeutic interventions. A practical application approach follows the clinical process and emphasizes on the collaborative care and diet’s role in health promotion on the pregnant women’s comprehensive dietary i.e. pro-biotic consumption and iodine supplementation in care plans provide examples of both normal and abnormal conditions. • Focuses on the importance of watching obesity, omega-3 fatty acids, alcohol and cigarette smoking habits during pregnancy and how an obstetrician can play a vital role to keep the fetus healthy. • The cautions to be observed by working pregnant women both in routine life as well as in the critical stages are aptly stressed. This book highlights pregnancy being a matter of physiological process that brings unexplained joy, is not a sick status. This evidence-based book explores health considerations and the importance of exercise in the management of common pregnancy related problems and understanding dietary variations while providing care both in clinical conditions and outside. • This book provides most beneficial information on traveling during pregnancy and care of low back as well as pelvic floor exercises. In short, it will serve as the best for obstetricians and is a potent teaching source for self care to the educated working class women who would find in it a manual of follow up care instructions for pregnancy to the birth of the child. ISBN 9788184484427

Pages : 496
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