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  India-Vietnam Strategic Partnership: Exploring Vistas for Expanded Cooperation

India-Vietnam Strategic Partnership: Exploring Vistas For Expanded Cooperation

by Vijay Sakhuja (Ed.)

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 569.90
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  The two-millennium contacts between India and Vietnam brought them closer to take a common stand on various issues of international significance and stood their diplomatic relations in good stead during the bipolar Cold War era and the contemporary phase of globalization. India?s integration with the ASEAN process has made India and Vietnam to reinforce the contours of their strategic partnership which owes much to their common concerns and interests in the Asia-Pacific region rather than compulsions of time. The views expressed and the inferences drawn in this anthology are coherent and thought-provoking for the policy-makers and scholarly community concerned with the Indian-Vietnam burgeoning partnership in the context of prospects for the emerging New Asia and Asian Century. Being acquainted with the developments in the Southeast Asian and Pacific regions for over four decades. I am fully convinced that this compendium is timely as it is being published when India-Vietnam multifaceted relations are poised for a leapfrog. Prof A Lakshmana Chetty, Former Director, Centre for Southeast Asia and Pacific Studies, and Dean, Faculty of Arts, Sri Venkatesw ara University, Tirupati-517 502.

ISBN - 9788182745490

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