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  The Karma Sutra: Sex, Love and Relationship Zen

The Karma Sutra: Sex, Love And Relationship Zen

by Shelly Wu

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 205.00
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  Tabloid media and ¡§reality¡¨ programming have deadened many of us to the possibility of soul partnerships- relationship of substance and depth, spiritual antidotes of the mindless hook-ups that seem to pepper magazines and TV shows. But The Karma Sutra a relationship-changing (and life-transforming) book, will awaken hope and help you take control of your love life. Never one of the ¡§beautiful people¡¨ herself, celebrity astrologer and metaphysical teacher Shelly Wu takes you on a spiritually informative tour through the ups and downs, the triumphs and dysfunctions of modern relationships. With this book, you can create the kind of partnership you¡¦ve always dreamed of. Learn how to remove the ties, pacts, and negative thinking that keep you captive, and discover an exhilarating world of ¡§love, karmic style.¡¨ In The Karma Sutra, Wu reveals the hidden spiritual dynamics that occur within our relationships, from brief affairs to lifetime commitments. She offers practical solutions to common relationship traps and dilemmas, from the truly spiritual to the truly dismal. And she suggests a methods to the madness of maneuvering through the obsessions, attractions, repulsions, and compulsions of your love life. You will learn: ?« How to attract and create joyful partnerships of depth and purpose. ?« How to recognize your soul mates. ?« Why all relationships are a blank state on which the hand of the universe will write. Most importantly, once you confront the karma you¡¦ve created-the ¡§effects¡¨ you¡¦ve gotten from previous ¡§causes¡¨-you will become a magnet for a partner who thinks as you do. Then you can find a true soul partner who really ¡§gets it¡¨¡Kand ¡§gets¡¨ you.

ISBN - 9788182745285

Pages : 240
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