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  Become A Facebook Champ

Become A Facebook Champ

by Aditi Jindal

  Price : Rs 150.00
  Your Price : Rs 150.00
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  What started from a simple ‘hi’ has now turned into ‘wassup’. The machine called Social Networking is rapidly providing interactive and innovative outcome every year. Word of mouth has created awareness about this form of media not only in the minds of people but it has captured the hearts of many now. Social Networking or the popular Facebook is here to stay…

This book helps you know what social media is and what roles it plays in our present society and it’s most important element, i.e. Facebook. The first two chapters throw light on the world of social networking and its different types.

The third and fourth chapter provide you with necessary aids and tips on how you can create your profile on Facebook and make it more interesting and interactive.

The fifth chapter describes how to find friends from every sphere, right from school and college to companies and communities so that you can widen your social circle.

The sixth chapter briefs you about the process of mailing on Facebook with the help of messages and the Facebook chat.

The seventh chapter discusses the broad perspective of promoting your business or any other venture on Facebook and organising events too.

In the eighth chapter, necessary steps to activate Facebook application on your mobile are explained

ISBN - 9788122312072

Pages : 168
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