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  Objectively Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) in Ophthalmology

Objectively Structured Clinical Exam (Osce) In Ophthalmology

by Agarwal

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  SECTION 1: Question Papers 1-25, SECTION 2: Question Papers 26-50, SECTION 3: Question Papers 51-75, SECTION 4: Question Papers 76-100, SECTION 5: Observation Stations. Prof Amar Agarwal is an examiner and coordinator for the clinical examinations in ophthalmology for the Diplomat National Board (DNB) exams. Dr Agarwals Eye Hospital and Eye Research Centre trains doctors for the National Board Examinations and is also the clinical centre for the examination. It was the centre which conducted the first OSCE examination in ophthalmology in India. It also conducts the national postgraduate CME Meet-Kalpavriksha in the first week of October every year. Prof Amar Agarwal is the pioneer of Phakonit which is Phako with a Needle Incision Technology. This technique became popularized as Bimanual Phaco, Microincision Cataract Surgery (MICS) or Microphaco. He is the first to remove cataracts through a 0.7 mm tip with the technique called Microphakonit. He has also discovered No Anesthesia Cataract Surgery and FAVIT, a new technique to remove dropped nuclei. The air pump which was a simple idea of using an aquarium fish pump to increase the fluid into the eye in bimanual phaco and co-axial phaco has helped prevent surge. This built the basis of various techniques of forced infusion for small incision cataract surgery. He was also the first to use trypan blue for staining epiretinal membranes and publishing the details in his 4 volume Textbook of Ophthalmology. He has also discovered a new refractive error called Aberropia. He has also been the first to do a combined surgery of microphakonit (700 micron cataract surgery) with a 25 gauge vitrectomy in the same patient thus having the smallest incisions possible for cataract and vitrectomy. He is also the first surgeon to implant a new mirror telescopic IOL (LMI) for patients suffering from age related macular degeneration. He has also been the first in the world to implant a Glued IOL. In this a PC IOL is fixed in an eye without any capsules suing fibrin glue. The Malyugin ring for small pupil cataract surgery was also modified by him as the Agarwal modification of the Malyugin ring for miotic pupil cataract surgeries with posterior capsular defects. Prof Agarwal has received many awards for his work done in ophthalmology, the most significant being the BARRAQUER AWARD and the KELMAN AWARD. His videos have won many awards at the film festivals of ASCRS, AAO and ESCRS. He has also written more than 40 books which have been published in various languagesEnglish, Spanish and Polish. He also trains doctors from all over the world in his center on phaco, bimanual phaco, lasik and retina. He is also Professor of Ophthalmology at Ramachandra Medical College in Chennai, India. Dimple Prakash completed her MS from Kasturba Medical College and joined Dr Agarwals Eye Hospital in the year 2001. She specializes in Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. She is the head of postgraduate training for the last three years. She plays an active role in the teaching programme that consists of daily lectures, seminars, symposiums and theses presentations. She has been the Chief DNB Exam Coordinator for the DNB clinical and OSCE examinations held at the Dr Agarwals Eye Hospital on three occasions. She has also conducted DNB inspections both internally as well as at other centers. She has been the Chief Programme Coordinator for the National CME Kalpavriksha 2007 and 2008. ISBN 9788184486124

Pages : 230
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