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  Workarounds That Work How to Conquer Anything That Stands in Your Way at Work

Workarounds That Work How To Conquer Anything That Stands In Your Way At Work

by Russell Bishop

  Price : Rs 505.00
  Your Price : Rs 454.50
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  In Workarounds That Work, Russell Bishop”an expert in personal and organization
transformation”teaches the art of the workaround: a method for accomplishing a task
or goal when the normal process isn`t producing the desired results. Workarounds help
you break through the tasks and systems that keep you from the important stuff. They
even help you bring lasting change to your organization by doing away with frustrating
institutional inefficiencies once and for all. To ratchet up productivity, your organization
needs someone who will ask the big questions, such as:
A« How can our systems”from operational infrastructures to management processes”
be more efficient and effective?
A« Do we make the most of our talent?
A« Do our teams work in isolation when collaboration would be more useful?
A« Are we wasting time, placing blame, and fighting fires when we could instead be
fixing problems?
A« Is our direction clear, aligned, and focused?
ISBN 9780071332545

Pages : 256
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