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Computed Aided Tomography Case Histories Brain With Cd-Rom 2Nd Edition

by Karthikeyan

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This most rare compilation of computed Tomography is an indispensable tool in neuroimaging. This collection of CT images explains how to use the newest high resolution CT technology to detect and diagnose a variety of brain related abnormalities. In this collection each case details indications, imaging strategies, normal and variant anatomy, diseases, surgical management and pitfalls. The foremost experts in this field provide cutting edge technical and clinical information. This quick reference includes diagnostic algorithms. Dandy-Walker Malformation, MRI Dandy-Walker Malformation, Diffusion MRI, Dandy-Walker Variant, MRI Cisterna Magna, Jouberts Syndrome, MRI Jouberts Syndrome, Frontal Encephalocoele, Cerebellar Hypoplasia with Corpus Callosal Agenesis, MRI Features of Callosal Agenesis, Neuronal Migration Anomaly, MRI Features in Heterotopia, Lissencephaly, MRI Features of Polymicrogyria, MRI Features of Schizencephaly, MRI Features of Tuberous Sclerosis, MRI Findings in Lobar, Cerebellar Hypoplasia, MRI of Cerebellar Hypoplasia, MRI Features of NF1/NF2, Unilateral Megalencephaly, MRI Features of Megalencephaly, MRI in Sturge-Weber Syndrome, Cerebral Abscess, Multiple Cerebral Abscesses, Fungal Abscesses, Basal Meningitis, MRI of Basal Meningitis, MRI of Encephalitis, Neurocysticercosis, Stages of Cysticercosis, MRI of Colloid Vesicular Stage, Multiple Tuberculomas, Cerebellar Tuberculoma, MRI of Tuberculomas, Cerebral Abscess, Otogenic Abscess, MRI of Abscess, Post-meningitis Infarct, Cytomegalovirus, Congenital Toxoplasmosis, Japanese B Encephalitis, Dense MCA Sign, MRI Features of Acute Infarct, Acute MCA Occlusion, MRA in Vascular Occlusion, MRI of Small Vessel Disease, MRI Findings in Hypoxia, Hypertensive Haematoma, MRI of Hemorrhage, Cerebellar Haematoma, Ganglionic Haematoma with IVH, Left Frontal AVM, MRI of AVM, Posterior Fossa AVM, Left Cerebellar AVM, Venous Angioma CTA of Venous Angioma, CT/MRI of Cavernous Angioma, Right MCA Aneurysm, MRI of Basilar Aneurysm, Giant ICA Aneurysm, MRI of ICA Aneurysm, Cerebral Venous Thrombosis, MRI Features of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis, Low-grade Glial Tumours, MRI /MRS of Low Grade Glioma, High-grade Glial Lesion, MRI/MRS of Anaplastic Glioma, MRI of Medulloblastoma, Pilocytic Astrocytoma, AIDS Lymphoma, MRI Features of Lymphoma, High Grade Glioma, Metastatic Choriocarcinoma, Sphenoid Wing, Meningioma, MRI of Meningioma, Arachnoid Cyst, MRI Features of Arachnoid Cyst, MRI Features of Epidermoid, Colloid Cyst, Right CP Angle Lesion, Left CP Angle Lesion, Pituitary Macroadenoma, MRI Features of Pituitary Adenomas, Cystic Craniopharyngioma, MRI Features of Craniopharyngioma, Prolactinoma, EVOH, IVOH, ADEM, Mitochondrial Disease, MRI of Leighs Disease, Patterns of Hypoxic Injury, MRI of PVL, MRI of Cortical Laminar Necrosis, Occipital Ischaemic Gliosis, MRI of Calcrine Gliosis, Reversal Sign, MRI of Hypoxic Ischemia, Fibrous Dysplasia, Eosinophilic Granuloma, Demyelination, MRI of Multiple Sclerosis, Stage 3 DAI MRI, Contusion, Bifrontal EDH, Intraventricular Bleed, Patterns of EDH, Patterns of SDH, Delayed EDH, Depressed Fracture 3D SSD Skull, Pneumocephalus, Subgaleal Haematoma, Durets Haemorrhage, CSF Rhinorrhoea, Carotid Cavernous Fistula, Patterns of Oedema, CP Angle Lipoma, Fahrs Disease. ISBN 9788184482935

Pages : 256
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