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  BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Microsofta® Exchange

Blackberry Enterprise Server For Microsofta® Exchange

by Mitesh Desai, Dan Renfroe

  Price : Rs 599.00
  Your Price : Rs 509.15
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  Installation and Administration

Understand BlackBerry Enterprise Server architecture
Install and configure a BlackBerry Enterprise Server
Implement administrative policies for BlackBerry devices
Secure and plan for disaster recovery of your server

This book describes the installation, configuration, and administration of BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Microsoft Exchange, with background information on the BlackBerry architecture, security, and disaster recovery planning. Written by mobile and wireless technology experts, this book provides a straightforward approach to setting up your first BlackBerry Enterprise Server, provisioning users and devices, and implementing administrative techniques.

In Detail
BlackBerry Enterprise Server is a platform that extends corporate messaging and collaboration services to BlackBerry devices, supports management and administration of those devices, and also supports deployment of third-party applications on the BlackBerry device platform. BlackBerry Enterprise Server supports a variety of messaging platforms, including Microsoft Exchange, IBM Lotus Domino, and Novell GroupWise.

This book focuses on BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Microsoft Exchange, providing detailed information on planning and implementing a BlackBerry Enterprise Server deployment. The basics of installing BlackBerry Enterprise Server are familiar for most administrators, but the server is infinitely configurable and contains extended administration features. This book contains background information on these features to help you get the most out of your environment, picking up where the manufacturer`s documentation leaves off. If you are new to BlackBerry Enterprise Server, this is the perfect guide to help with your planning and deployment.

What you will learn from this book?
This book will give you the following knowledge and skills:

Understanding of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server architecture
Instruction on preparing for and installing BlackBerry Enterprise Server
Details on provisioning users, user groups and devices
An overview of the IT policies that can be enforced for users and devices
Directions on configuring BlackBerry device software updates and third-party application deployments
Background information on security and disaster planning for BlackBerry Enterprise Server

The book combines a clear factual information with easy-to-use step-by-step instructions. There are chapters with background information on the architecture and features of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, and chapters with specific installation and configuration instructions. This combined approach gives you the knowledge to make the best implementation decisions for your environment.

Who this book is written for?
This book is written for IT professionals and network administrators who need to implement a BlackBerry Enterprise Server. The text assumes basic familiarity with Microsoft Windows Server administration, but provides detailed instructions for administrators with varying levels of experience.

About the Author
Dan Renfroe has been a technology professional for over ten years, working in diverse environments such as higher education, public safety, and federal government. He has a broad range of technical experience, including systems administration and analysis, multimedia development, technical writing and quality assurance. He is currently a consultant for OST, Inc., a management consulting firm based in Washington, DC. He has authored multiple mobile and wireless technology articles for Network Computing magazine on topics ranging from mobile e-mail servers and mobile VPN applications to WLAN infrastructure and analysis tools.

Mitesh Desai is a 29 year-old IT Consultant from London, UK. He has completed Blackberry projects for numerous clients in many different network infrastructures. He also operates an IT consultant company IT-Problems He enjoys a busy lifestyle supporting many prestigious companies in the heart of Central London, but makes time to enjoy sports and writing music. He is also at hand on IT-Problems to help budding Blackberry technicians.isbn-9789350233597

Pages : 196
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