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  Mathematical Modelling, Optimization and their Applications

Mathematical Modelling, Optimization And Their Applications

by P.C. Jha, M.N. Hoda

  Price : Rs 950.00
  Your Price : Rs 950.00
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  Modelling and Optimization are the key tools for scientific analysis of real life systems. In the present scenario, the applications of modeling and optimization for the study of business and market system provide advantages over the competitors, where cutting age and successive innovative technologies in products and services are ever changing due to information and communication technology revolution. These competitive advantages for products and services are possible by developing knowledge base through scientific analysis of the market. Since modeling and optimization theories find their applications in every sphere of disciplines such as finance, marketing, information and communication technology, data mining, environment, life sciences to name a few. This book is useful for beginners as well as practitioners of business and industry, research laboratory and academics.ISBN-9788184870671

Pages : 300
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