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  Medals of the British Navy and how they were won

Medals Of The British Navy And How They Were Won

by Wh Long

  Price : Rs 795.00
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  Britain will always be grateful to her Navy for making her an empire, on which the sun would never set. It was the British Navy, which time and again, had been solely responsible for routing the forces of the various kingdoms in the world. And it was these acts of heroism by the valiant members of the nautical forces of the British Empire, which deserve more than perhaps just a mere mention. These acts have gone on to win various prestigious medals and other decorative honours.

In this book, the author WH Long collates these stories of heroism from the various books and journals, which have long gone out of print. While the stories behind these medals may have been erased from records, they will forever be entrenched in the minds of a grateful British folk. These medals do not merely record an event, but they have a story to tell “ a story of valour, courage, determination and patriotism. A must have book for a military enthusiast.

ISBN - 9781935501275

Pages : 504
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