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  Analysis & Design Practice Of Steel Structures

Analysis & Design Practice Of Steel Structures

by Ghosh , Karuna Moy

  Price : Rs 195.00
  Your Price : Rs 165.75
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  This book is a comprehensive presentation of the fundamental aspects of analysis and design of steel structures. It is primarily meant for the undergraduate students of civil engineering and postgraduate students of structural engineering. It will also be immensely useful for structural engineers engaged in design, consultancy and construction involving steel structures.

The important theoretical and practical concepts which need to be assimilated prior to undertaking analysis and design”general principles and practices, functional aspects of structures, basic design concepts, alternative arrangements of equipment and service, clarity of structural behaviour, and calculations of loadings on structures”are covered in the first two chapters. The ensuing chapters provide stepwise presentation of the analysis and design procedures for various steel structures and structural elements/members on the basis of Eurocodes and British (BS) codes of practice. The three types of structures specifically covered, on the basis of functional aspects, are scrap yard structures, conveyor structural systems, and turbo-generator buildings.

The book discusses the various structural analyses and design calculations in an exhaustive manner. The text is illustrated with an abundant number of visuals. Important sources of information relevant to steel structures can be found in the references at the end of various chapters.isbn-9788120340275

Pages : 228
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