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  Metric Spaces: Including Fixed Point Theory and Set-valued Maps

Metric Spaces: Including Fixed Point Theory And Set-Valued Maps

by Qamrul Hasan Ansari

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 450.00
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  METRIC SPACES is intended for undergraduate students offering a course of metric spaces and post graduate students offering a course of nonlinear analysis or fixed point theory. The first six chapters cover basic concepts of metric spaces, separable spaces, compact spaces, connected spaces and continuity of functions defined on a metric space. Chapter seven is devoted to the metric fixed point theory. Banach contraction theorem and several of its generalizations along with their applications and Caristi`s fixed point theorem are also given in this chapter. The introductory set-valued analysis with special emphysis on continuity and fixed point theory of set-valued maps is given in chapter eight. One of the most useful and important results from nonlinear analysis is Ekeland`s variational principle. This principle along with several of its equivalent forms, Takahashi`s minimization theorem, introduction of theory of equilibrium problems and the equilibrium version of Ekeland`s variational principle and several of its equivalent forms are presented in the last chapter. This book will also be useful for researchers working in nonlinear analysis, optimization and theory of equilibrium problems.

Pages : 208
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