This book helps us to become more effective at managing human performance in the organizations.
It provides a balance between concepts and skill-based exercises. Conceptual understanding is addressed first in each chapter, followed by a variety of skill builder exercises that provide a rich resource for the students, faculty, workshop instructors, and trainers. The end result is a single volume that gives readers both an understanding of performance management as well as the ability to manage performance.
Each chapter begins with the opening example that describes a real life situation. It portrays the applied relevance of the concepts discussed in each chapter.
Skill Builder exercises at either the basic or advanced level which invites reader to apply and extend the concepts of the chapters.
The basic Skill Builders are meant to provide opportunities to apply chapter concepts. The advanced Skill Builders are meant to provide additional challenges to students.
This text should be an integral part of any human resource management or general management curriculum and fits well within a senior undergraduate, MBA, or doctoral level course. The practical examples, cases, and exercises provide readers with the tools to effectively apply performance management concepts within a wide range of organizational contexts. isbn-9788120343238
Pages : 280