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  The Health of Nations - Society and Law Beyond the State

The Health Of Nations - Society And Law Beyond The State

by Philip Allott

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 569.90
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  The human world is changing. Old social structures are being overwhelmed by forces of social transformation which are sweeping across political and cultural frontiers. A social animal is becoming the social species. The animal that lives in packs and herds (family, corporation; nation, state...) is becoming a member of a human society which is the society of all human beings, the society of all societies. The age-old problems of social life - religious, philosophical, moral, political, legal, economic-must now be addressed at the level of the whole species, at the level where all cultures and traditions meet and will contribute to an exhilarating and hazardous new form of human self-evolving.isbn-9788175962866

Pages : 452
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