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Aieee Success Pack 2014

by Aiets

  Price : Rs 3000.00
  Your Price : Rs 2550.00
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  Contents of the Pack: 18 Concept & Application Booklets of PCM (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics), AIEEE Topic-wise Solved Papers, "Toppers Secrets of Success" + CD,
FREE : All India AIEEE Mock Test Package containing 8 Part Tests and 4 Full Testsworth Rs. 1000/-.


Concept & Application Booklets :

Exhaustive theory explaining all fundamentals/concepts to build a strong base
Illustrations to master application of concepts & sharpen problem-solving skills
Multiple Levels of graded exercises (Elementary & Applied) to ensure sufficient practice
The study package is based on the latest syllabus and contains Assertion-Reason and passage based questions. Also covers chapters on the latest topics Communication Systems and Experimental Skills in Physics and Chemistry.

AIEEE Topic-wise Solved Papers:

AIEEE Topic-wise Solved Papers consists of last 8 years solved papers of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics distributed in 17, 20 and 21 topics respectively.
The book has been divided into three parts - Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
In each chapter all the questions asked in the previous examinations are compiled at one place followed by their detailed solutions. Just revise one topic and then solve previous year questions on that topic
The strength of the book lies in the originality of its question papers and Errorless Solutions. Solutions are provided to 100% of the problems

Note: The Fully Solved AIEEE 2009 paper has been provided in the form of a separate booklet so as to give you an idea of the latest pattern.

Toppers Secrets of Success + CD containing 1 Hour Seminar by the author Mr. Avinash Agarwal:

Results of a survey said that the difference between a Topper and an average student is not much in terms of Subject knowledge, intelligence or hard work, but the major difference is in terms of study techniques and approach towards exam
Hard work should bring success but only when coupled with efficient and appropriate study techniques
The book/seminar is based on success story of hundreds of toppers of different exams
The book/seminar recapitulates and reinforces the basic study techniques adopted by toppers and helps in mastering skills & techniques to learn more in less time and with less stress
So learn the toppers secrets of Success today and become a topper tomorrow
The book has the power to keep you motivated throughout your preparation

The author is a counseling expert and has delivered this seminar to more than 1 Lakh students. The book comes along with a CD which contains the complete seminar on Toppers Secret of Success delivered by Mr. Avinash Agarwal himself.

Free: All India AIEEE Mock Test Package:

Developed by a team consisting of National experts like Dr O.P Agarwal, AIEEE Mock test package helps in giving final touches to your preparation. AIEEE Mock test package consists of:

10 sealed challenging mock test papers on the latest pattern of AIEEE
10 OMR Response Sheets
Syllabus Sheet
Test Planner
Solution booklet of all 10 Tests
Test-analysis and feedback sheet for each test


Highlights strong & weak areas
Exposure to NEW & ORIGINAL QUESTIONS as asked in the real exam
Helps in quickly revising all important concepts
Improves speed & strike rate
Reduces mistakes & builds examination temperament
AIEEE RANK PROJECTOR - provider approximate AIR for each test taken.

Benefits of this Product:

Comprehensive: Covers all Conceptual Learning, Practice and testing required to achieve the target, and hence a student doesn`t need to buy any other Study material
With the help of this 18 Booklets (6 Each of Physics, chemistry and Mathematics) the student will be able to have strong Concepts and fundamentals, which will sharpen his Problem solving Skills
All important questions (2002 - 2008) which have been in the previous AIEEE exams have been covered
The book is structured in such a way that it raises the level of the student from Elementary Level to Applied Level
The student after using AIEEE Topic Wise Solved Papers gets an idea of important questions which have come in the previous year Entrance AIEEE Exam; these questions are taken topic wise hence they help him in having better understanding of Paper
Easy to understand: The Pack is designed in such a way that it is Easy to understand
Practice: The mock papers provided with the Pack help you practice and analyse your performance
Performance Tracking Graph: Helps you analyse Per Mock paper performance
AIEEE RANK PROJECTOR - provider approximate AIR for each test taken.
Helps in giving structure to your Study Plan and also has Technique which help you Improve your performance
Self tutor: It`s is designed in such a way that you don`t need an Extra Tool. This pack in itself is a self tutor
For those who take tuitions this pack will enhance their performance and brush up concepts and Practice
Value for Money: Other study material is available at very high price compared to this pack.isbn-9789381250129

Pages : 4500
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