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  Java EE Project using EJB 3, JPA and Struts 2 for Beginners, (Book/CD-Rom)

Java Ee Project Using Ejb 3, Jpa And Struts 2 For Beginners, (Book/Cd-Rom)

by Vaishali Shah, Sharanam Shah

  Price : Rs 1025.00
  Your Price : Rs 871.25
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  This book aims serving students, developers, technical leads and to some extent project managers or consultants by demonstrating a structured documented modestly sized project. Learning the project development and documentation is done through the construction of an Online Car Rental System [integrated with a payment gateway] using MySQL Community Server as the data store with Java Server Pages as the delivery mechanism, Struts 2 as the framework, JPA as the Specification and Hibernate 3 as the Implementation [the Object Relational Mapping library].


Setup files for JDK 6, MySQL Community Server 6, MySQL Connector/J, Struts 2.1.x, Hibernate 3.
Source code for the project, SQL Import Script for MySQL

About the Authors
The author Sharanam Shah [www.sharanamshah.com] has 8+ years of IT experience as a Developer, Database Designer, Technical Writer, Systems Analyst and a Lead Architect. He currently consults with several software houses in Mumbai, India, to help them design and manage database application.

Vaishali Shah [www.vaishalishahonline.com], his wife, co-author and a Technical Writer by profession, has a rich experience of designing, developing and managing database systems.

Their desire to share the knowledge they`ve acquired over all these years working together and perhaps partially to keep it available and alive made them co-author and publish several books, most of them tightly focused on commercial application development using software tools. isbn-9788184048063

Pages : 1258
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