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  Microbial Genetics , Second Edition

Microbial Genetics , Second Edition

by Stanly R. Maloy, John Cronan, David Freifelder

  Price : Rs 385.00
  Your Price : Rs 385.00
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  Although many general genetics and molecular biology textbooks are available, few recent textbooks focus on microbial genetics. Furthermore, although many of the general genetics and molecular biology textbooks have sections on microbial genetics, they do not cover a wide variety of specialized aspects of microbial genetics. The first edition of David Freifelder`s Microbial Genetics sought to fill this niche. Since the first edition was published, there have been numerous advances in microbial genetics. Each of these advances required a solid knowledge of classic microbial genetics and modern molecular biology. Because David Freifelder is now deceased, Stanley R. Maloy and John E. Cronan, Jr. undertook the task of rewriting and updating the second edition of Microbial Genetics. They tried to include Archaea where relevant. Some sections are extensively rewritten, and other sections are only slightly changed.

Pages : 556
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