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Defeating Naxalite: Ways And Means To Defeat Naxalism
by Uday Kumar
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Naxalism is an agrarian and social problem. It has changed its color in course of time. The famous Naxal leader of 1970 has said that contemporary naxalism degenrate into social terrorism. Naxalism will melt with the time due to positive policies of the government. The modern day`s insurgent can be tamed through various methods. Inside the book, reader will find that naxalism can be defeated with both military and non military ways. The implementation of the govt rural scheme is vital for engaging the tribal, who provide the support and manpower to Naxal cadre. The observance of non violence is a unique tool to defeat the naxalism. However it sounds awkward, but it is equally true that nation achieved the freedom only through non violence way. Book has suggested a number of ways to defeat the naxalism. Now it is up to the ?we People? to follow the path suggested by the book, and it is up to ?Nation? to follow and implement the development scheme. Intelligence is a paramount thing to defeat the Naxal. The intelligence gathering and intelligence sharing is a mind work to disseminate the information to end user to defeat the naxalites. Book provides and throws a researched way to win the hearts and minds of the population affected by the Naxalism. Ultimately, reader will find inside the book that naxalites can be defeated.
ISBN - 9788191060720
Pages : 196
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