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  Economic Development in India: Health and Social Issues

Economic Development In India: Health And Social Issues

by Ntk Naik, S. Mansoor Rahman, B. Suresh Lal

  Price : Rs 1500.00
  Your Price : Rs 1320.00
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  The book deals with various issues of Indian Economic Development and health care sector in India that formed the focus of policy debates over the last two decades. Beginning with a broad canvas depicting an overview and issues pertaining to health care sector and social issues in India, it covers pertinent dimensions of societal, health delivery system, equity and affordability across rich and poor, phenomenon of convergence, divergence and two-way causation between human development and income and the impact of increased longevity on social security and specialized health care. It comprises of twenty four chapters. The present volume addresses variety of health and social issues like Mother Healthcare, Mental Health and Adjustment of MSM, Role of Ayurvedic drugs in the Management of Anorectic Piles, Public Expenditure on Medical servises, Socio-emotional School Climate, Child Marriage in Rural West Bengal, Role of Media in Curbing Social Evils, Trafficking in Women and Children and Age at Illegitimacy in Mizoram. Occupational Segregation, Social Change among the Soligas, Caste-Census, Inclusive Development, Self Help Groups, Success story of Bt. Cotton, Rural Artisans-Indigenous Technology. The papers contributed in this volume are written by reputed scholars from various universities and research institutes and from various countries. This volume helps to students, researchers, teachers and policy makers in the field of Public Health and Social Development.

ISBN - 9788189630355

Pages : 405
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