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  Nothing is Absolute

Nothing Is Absolute

by S. Balachandran

  Price : Rs 300.00
  Your Price : Rs 255.00
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  This book is meant for everybody. It deals with the mistakes that normal people generally make, causing unforeseen troubles and unpleasantness in interpersonal relationships. It hampers one`s competence in whatever is being done. Usually, these are described as gaps in communication or misunderstanding, words which do not focus on the fault and therefore, do not help correction. Polarised rigid stances and meaningless arguments can be avoided if one understands what really goes into the making of these problems. This book is an attempt to create that understanding. This is not attempted as a scholarly treatise and will not therefore, alienate readers who are impatient with heavy research based material. It should, hopefully, help the reader to become more effective in the pursuit of his/her objectives as an individual, as a member of a group or in an organisation. The book, though not intended to be a philosophical treatise, does explain some of the basic tenets that all prophets and spiritual leaders have been teaching, like attachment, desire and envy, based on misplaced values, being the source of anger and of sorrow, emotions that eat into one`s happiness. “ The Author

About the Author
S. Balachandran is a management consultant based in Mumbai. He had worked earlier in senior positions in the Life Insurance Corporation of India and as Faculty Member in the National Insurance Academy. He has been visiting faculty in management institutes and organisations both in the public and in the private sector. He is also associated with the Insurance Institute of India, the Indian Institute for Banking and Finance and the Indira Gandhi National Open University, developing courses and course materials. He has written several books and published articles in leading national newspapers and journals. His earlier books are on Managing Change, Trainer Effectiveness, Ethics and Indian Ethos, Managing Services and Events Management.isbn-9789350230206

Pages : 274
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