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  Chemistry of the environment, 2nd edi.

Chemistry Of The Environment, 2Nd Edi.

by Spiro & Stigliani

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 297.50
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  With rapid advances taking place in environmental
science in the last few years, and the atmospheric
concentration of CO2 increasing in metropolitan cities
and industrial towns, an uptodate book dealing with
the chemistry of the environment has become both
timely and essential. Quality of environment is being
rightly emphasized with strict norms being applied to
auto emission. This extensively revised and updated
edition therefore provides an indepth analysis of
environmental chemistry, exploring in the process
the frontiers of environmental science.
The text fully delineates the linkages between
environmental issues in the areas of energy,
atmosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere/lithosphere
(which form the four parts of the book), and the
basic chemistry behind them.
This edition is more accessible and chemistry oriented
than the previous edition with reorganization and
expansion of basic chemistry. More cutting edge
environmental topics and numerous worked-out
examples reinforce understanding of the basic
Undergraduate and postgraduate students of environ-
mental science as well as environmental scientists
will find this study invaluable.isbn-9788120321465

Pages : 508
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