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  A Primer on Software Quality Models & Project Management

A Primer On Software Quality Models & Project Management

by Shailesh Mehta

  Price : Rs 900.00
  Your Price : Rs 765.00
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  We have great pleasure in presenting this book (Concept) to forthcoming/budding Entrepreneurs in the software development arena. The future of Indian software industry is bright and we want to help create leaders in the software industry. This book throws light on a step-by-step approach to set up a software company with little or no money known as bootstrapping. This book is an essence of experiences of people who worked hard to become Entrepreneurs. This book does not describe the theory but presents a100%practical approach. It doesn`t matter whether you are experienced in this field, are looking to invest or making a fresh start,we hope that this book will boost your confidence tremendously. We express our sincere thanks to all Entrepreneurs who helped us in sharing their valuable time, experiences, guidance and knowledge to make this project a grand success. In fact, without them it would have remained a mere hypothesis. With the help of our expert entrepreneurs,we have divided the majority of our concepts into two parts

1. Pre-planning: Planning is required before starting the start up.
2. Post-planning: Planning required for sustaining the company with profitability after you have started it.

In spite of our best efforts, the book may contain within it some shortcomings.We would be thankful if they are brought to our notice. We shall consider our labor amply rewarded if this concept is appreciated for whom it is meant.

About the Author
Shailesh Mehta is having a rich experience spanning over 25 years in the field of Process Control Instrumentation , Software Quality Assurance , Testing and Project Management. He has expertise in - Quality Assurance Systems, Risk Management , Defect prevention , Software Configuration Management , Internal Quality Audit , Testing , Statistical Process Control System and Training activities. He was a Key driver during Implementation of Quality Models like CMMI , ISO-9001-2000 in various organizations. Currently he is Providing Leadership to a team for managing a wide range of Application Development, Maintenance & Enhancement, Porting, CRM , Automation Testing and e-Learning projects for USA , UK and European Clients. isbn-9789350230237

Pages : 640
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