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  Textbook of Ocular Therapeutics ((Full Colour)) 2nd (Revised) Edition

Textbook Of Ocular Therapeutics ((Full Colour)) 2Nd (Revised) Edition

by Suresh K Pandey Ashok Garg

  Price : Rs 2495.00
  Your Price : Rs 1996.00
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  A group of internationally distinguished experts have contributed their experience and evidence based knowledge on basic and applied aspects of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics.\nEach chapter is comprehensive in nature and represents the recent advances in the area of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics.\nThis well-conceived and thoroughly researched text shall be an invaluable reference resource for students to become and stay current in the field of ocular therapeutics and get an insight into the role of specific medications in various ophthalmic surgeries.\nThis book provides a detailed outline for therapy for the basic categories of ocular disease including infectious and inflammations, immune therapy, cataract surgery, antioxidants, antiretroviral drugs, antiglaucoma drugs and many other.\nIt includes vital information about the ophthalmic dyes, viscoelastic agents, photodynamic therapy for age-related mauelar degeneration as well as indocyanine green angiography and management of dry eye. Elaborately explains and evaluates complications of interaocular lenses. Covers complications arising from drugs and toxicity of surgical solutions ISBN 9788180610103

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