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  Lessons from the Grand Rounds 2 : Options in Rational Management 1st Edition

Lessons From The Grand Rounds 2 : Options In Rational Management 1St Edition

by Y K Ambedkar, R D Khare, R R Chokhani

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 396.00
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  A unique book about the art of clinical analysis comprising of 127 actual cases as they presented with their varied symptom complexes, encompassing a wide clinical spectrum in different subspecialities.
Briefly discusses the basic concepts of symptoms and signs pertaining to a system, before proceeding with representative cases which are listed according to the presenting symptoms.
Describes how a sequential analysis of every point in the history, clinical examination and investigations leads to the correct diagnosis. While reading through the cases, the key words are highlighted facilitating a quick revision.
Contains four sections, the first one reiterates the value of a painstakingly detailed history and a meticulours clinical examination.
The second edition continues the process of clinical analysis and step beyond into the realms of management. Management includes the establishment of a provisional diagnosis with the help of planned investigations before proceeding with specific treatment.
The next section deals with a few commonly encountered recurrent problems in clinical practice with the help of illustrative cases. The last section is on tuberculosis, its various aspects, interrelationship between the agent, host and environment, clinical difficulties in diagnosis, management, assessment of response to therapy, etc ISBN 9789380704784

Pages : 302
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