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  Anand`S Human Anatomy For Dental Students 2/e

Anand`S Human Anatomy For Dental Students 2/E

by Mahindra Kr. Anand

  Price : Rs 875.00
  Your Price : Rs 700.00
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  A complete and comprehensive textbook of Human Anatomy for dental students. Extensive compilation of excellent photographs and illustrations which would help in simplifying the learning process.The book includes subjects like histology, embryology, osteology and neurology, along with gross anatomy. SECTION 1, GENERAL ASPECTS, 1. Transvaginal Probe: Technical Aspect, 2. Basis of Transvaginal Scanning, 3. Safety of Diagnostic Transvaginal Scan Estimated from Ultrasonic Bioeffects, 4. Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization with the Gray Level Histogram Width, 5. Transrectal Sonography, SECTION 2: OBSTETRICS, 6. Fetal Anatomy on the First Trimester of Pregnancy, 7. Ultrasound Imaging of Early Extraembryonic Structures, 8. Ultrasound Markers of Aneuploidy in the First Trimester, 9. Early Detection of Fetal Abnormality, 10. Fetal Kinetics: Its Quantification by Transvaginal Doppler Ultrasonography, 11. Early Transvaginal Echocardiography, 12. Assessment of Fetal Central Nervous Systems, 13. Ultrasonographic Signs of Poor Pregnancy Outcome, 14. Placenta Previa and Placenta Accreta, 15. Assessment of Placental Vascularization by 3D Power Doppler Ultrasound Placental Biopsy in Normal Pregnancies, 16. Cervical Measurements and Preterm Labor, 17. Transvaginal Assessment of the Cervix, 18. Transvaginal Sonography of the Fetal Brain in the Second and Third Trimesters, 19. Transvaginal Sonography in Multiple Pregnancy, SECTION 3: GYNECOLOGY AND INFERTILITY, 20. Uterine Lesions, 21. 2D and 3D Power Doppler Ultrasound Study of Endometrium as Implantation Marker, 22. Asymptomatic Simple Ovarian Cyst in Postmenopausal Women: Syndrome of Visible Ovary, 23. Transvaginal Sonography in Evaluation of Functional Ovarian Cysts, 24. Hormone Replacement Therapy: Ultrasound Role, 25. Ectopic Pregnancy, 26. Female Pelvic Floor: Descriptive Anatomy and Clinical Exploration by Transvaginal Ultrasound Echography, 27. Sonography of the Pelvic Infection, 28. Sonohysterography, 29. Transvaginal Sonography in Postmenopausal Women, SECTION 4: DOPPLER SONOGRAPHY, 30. Physical Principles of the Doppler Effect and its Application in Medicine, 31. Sonographic Imaging in Infertility, 32. Chorionic Volume and Intervillous Blood Flow in Normal First Trimester Pregnancies Assessed by 3D Power Doppler US, 33. Doppler Evaluation of the Ovary: Clinical Applications and Challenges, SECTION 5: 3D AND 4D TRANSVAGINAL SONOGRAPHY, 34. Three-Dimensional Sonoembryology, 35. Cesarean Scar Hysterotomy Assessment by 3D Transvaginal Echography, 36. Assessment of Normal and Abnormal Ovaries by Transvaginal Sonography, 37. Screening for Ovarian Cancer by Different Modes of Transvaginal Sonography, 38. 4D Technical Aspects, 39. Fetal Upper Limb Movement in the First Half of Pregnancy Detected by Transvaginal 4D Ultrasound, 40. Advanced Sonographic Assessment of Benign Endometrial Disease.

Pages : 794
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