Foundations of Algorithms Using C++ Pseudocode, Third Edition offers a well-balanced presentation on designing algorithms, complexity analysis of algorithms, and computational complexity. The volume is accessible to mainstream computer science students who have a background in college algebra and discrete structures. To support their approach, the authors present mathematical concepts using standard English and a simpler notation than is found in most texts. A review of essential mathematical concepts is presented in three appendices. The authors also reinforce the explanations with numerous concrete examples to help students grasp theoretical concepts. New to the Third Edition: · A section on data compression using Huffman code has been added to the chapter on greedy algorithms. · A chapter on numerical algorithms has been added. The chapter includes a review of basic number theory, Euclid`s Algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor, a review of modular arithmetic, an algorithm for solving modular linear equations, an algorithm for computing modular powers, and the new polynomial-time algorithm for determining whether a number is prime. · This edition features discussion of cryptography, one of the most important topics in recent years. In particular, the volume includes coverage of the RSA public-key cryptosystem. ISBN 9788173196744
Pages : 633