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  Privatization Unbound Experiences in Bangladesh and India

Privatization Unbound Experiences In Bangladesh And India

by Nalin Bharti

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 595.00
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  Privatization has been practiced in various economics with different hopes and origins. This volume is an eye opener to focus the post privatization experiences in a least developed economy like Bangladesh and developing economy like India. Book explores the concept of privatization and discusses issues involved in its practice. It finds the interesting trends in the policy shift from nationalization to privatization in both economies. The field dependent and field independent research provides in manufacturing as well as services such as telecom. In the current world of global challenges, it caution governments towards more precautionary policies and demonstrates how the ill regulated private enterprises are as bad as ill regulated private enterprises. This volume offers common guidelines to stakeholder in privatization with in and beyond Bangladesh and India and also experiments how privatization attempt is unbound without serious answer to central questions in privatization : what, how and whom to privatize?

ISBN - 9788189640835

Pages : 332
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