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   What Happened To That Love?

What Happened To That Love?

by Kailash Srinivasan

  Price : Rs 125.00
  Your Price : Rs 125.00
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  “We both are with different people today and are comfortable with them. That bothers me. When we separated and Jim came into my life,I thought my love for him will always be different than it was for you, and I imagined you feeling the same way about Gena. It`s different, yes, but not as bad as I thought it`ll be, and that hurts me. You know what I mean? And it`s not even like one of us died. We`ve moved on so easily, Jake. How?”

Jake looks at her tenderly. Jake and Jill we used to call each other. If Jake was to tumble, Jill would tumble after is what we had agreed on.

“What happened to that love, Jake?”

In the sad, heartbreaking title story, an old couple relive their beautiful moments, while they await the inevitable. In other tales, a mother does the unthinkable to feed her starving children; a father`s blind love for his son causes nothing but anguish to him; an old man in desperate need of answers seeks counsel of a young boy; a child yearns for the love of her parents; a village landlord throws a feast to save his life; two couples struggle to understand love; a woman likes the idea of marriage, but is afraid of men.

What Happened to That Love is a short story collection comprising 12 stories set in India and Australia that explore life, death, love, ache, greed, hope, destiny, alienation, fallacies, and the nature of rural and urban life, and the changes that come to us all.

ISBN - 9788122311617

Pages : 166
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