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  China uncovered: what you need to know to business in china

China Uncovered: What You Need To Know To Business In China

by Strory

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  "Extremely valuable for any company doing business in China. Thoroughly sets out the context and practical approach that every executive needs to know." Edward Radcliffe, Partner, Vermilion Partners, Shanghai "an excellent and complete book and a must read for everybody involved in China" Rob Westerhof, former CEO Philips China "A compact work loaded with hands-on, actionable advice taking much of the mystery out of China.." Tomas Casas Klett, entrepreneur in China and lecturer at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. SHOULD YOU BE DOING BUSINESS IN CHINA? This is a question many businesses are asking, but not one with a simple answer. On the one hand, the opportunities are great; on the other, the complexities are many and China is changing so rapidly it can be difficult to keep up. This insightful, knowledgeable and clear-headed book by China expert Jonathan Story helps you tackle this question from a well-informed perspective. It shows you how to think clearly about the implications of doing business in China, and how to maximise your chances of success if you do decide to go for it. UNCOVER THE ANSWERS TO ALL YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT DOING BUSINESS IN CHINA China Uncovered shows you: * How to ensure your strategy reflects the pace of change, the unusual risks of operating in China and the business realities of this uncertain market* Why government relations must be a core part of your business - and how to make your relationships with officials productive and beneficial* How to select the best way for your company to start business operations in China * How to make the critical choice of location, taking account of a range of factors, from access to the attitudes of local authorities* How to understand the cultural differences you will face so you can get the all-important `people issues` right* How to develop a dual sales strategy domestic and export so your operation is not totally reliant on a new and unpredictable market* How to use your brand to keep ahead of your competitors* How to think about the importance of China to your organisation as a whole.isbn-9780273708278

Pages : 248
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