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  Advanced Techniques of Astrological Predictions

Advanced Techniques Of Astrological Predictions

by K N Rao

  Price : Rs 150.00
  Your Price : Rs 150.00
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  An excellent collection of essays. The book has an interesting history. First published in 1991, with a second edition in 1994, K.N. Rao withdrew the book thereafter. This was in the face of numerous requests for a reprint. Suddenly a new printing appeared, but without Rao`s name on the front, or the title page. Copyright is now with "Sansthan", or so the book claims. This is a pirate edition, which seems not unknown in India.

In the first chapter of Saadhe-Saati Rao writes, In 1991, single handed I guided, even rewrote many papers & produced Advanced Techniques of Astrological Prediction which has now come out in the market with my name omitted as its editor. Again I excuse them & wish them well. Our sympathies to Mr. Rao.

The Contents of the Book:

* Preface;
* About the contributors;
* Introduction, by K.N. Rao;
* Evolution of Cosmology, by R.N.
* Vashistha; Education for a career & the tension of parents, by M.N. Kedar;
* Service or self-employment? Test the thumb-rules, by S.N. Kapoor;
* Profession & planetary influences, by R.C. Sharma;
* Career prospects & ashtakavarga applied to vimshottari dasha, by P.C. Verma;
* Authors & journalists: an astrological enquiry, by Col. A.K.
* Gour; Successful Indian women in different fields, by Kusum Sharma;
* Tajik shastra & marriage timing of event, by Dr. R.K.
* Wishwakarma; Role of dashas in marital discord, by Shiv Raj Sharma;
* Marital disharmony, by Shunny Nigam;
* Jaimini astrology & general elections in India, by Y.K. Bansal `Yogi`;
* Kaal Sarpa Yoga, part 1, by Z. Ansari;
* Disease, its onset & outcome, by Dr. K.S. Charak;
* Prasthar-ashtakavarga system of prediction with accurate time period, by Dr. D.K. Aggarwal;
* Mystic trio in astrology, by B.P. Malviya;
* Role of darakaraka in vimshottari dashas, by Supriya Jagdish.


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