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  Economic Welfare measures for Persons with Disabilities

Economic Welfare Measures For Persons With Disabilities

by M G Basava Raja

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 308.00
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The book is the outcome of the research project entitled “Economic welfare programmes for persons with Disabilities” sponsored by the PREM Division, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, New Delhi. This book consists of seven chapters: Introduction, An overview, Concession and Institutional Facilities for PWDs, Implementation Aspect of PWD Act. Findings, of the Field study, Impact of Economic welfare Measures on PWDs, and Summary, Conclusions and Suggestions. The main focus of the book is on the study of problems being faced by Persons with Disabilities. The book provides an overview of PWDs in Karnataka and analyses the various incentives, Institutional facilities offered for empowering the PWds in the state. This book analyses the implementation aspects of PWDs Act, 1995; and for the purpose of examining the extent of availment of ICIFs, fields studies are conducted in two districts of Karnataka viz., Kodagu and Raichur. The book also devoted a chapter on impact of ICIFs on the living conditions of PWDs in the state. After providing summary of the findings, various suggestions are furnished for improving the quality of the life of PWDs. The book also attempts to indicate possible changes in the policy and programmes which are called for the fuller utilization of the objectives originally envisaged.

Pages : 134
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