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  The Confidence Factor: Cosmic Gooses Lay Golden Eggs

The Confidence Factor: Cosmic Gooses Lay Golden Eggs

by Judith Briles

  Price : Rs 225.00
  Your Price : Rs 184.50
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  Living and working delivers a series of unexpected events--some good, some not so good. Dr. Judith Briles calls them "cosmic gooses." Most of them are life changing, and if you had your druthers, you wouldn`t want to experience them again. Cosmic gooses can zap your confidence.

Based on a nationwide survey of 1300 plus women and men, you will be taken on a journey of the good, the bad, and the ugly and learn how to grow and thrive when a cosmic goose lands at your doorstep.

You will hear the experiences and voices of hundreds of men and women who have encountered both workplace and personal events that have taken them on a roller coaster ride of their lifetime--their cosmic goose. Not only did they survived, they thrived.

Judith Briles encourages you to be the person you want to be--not the one someone else thought you should be. In her friendly and personal writing style, she delivers the 10 Steps to Building Confidence, steps that will provide the core ingredients for improving who and what you are.

You`ll discover that a cosmic goose can lay the golden egg for your career. . .and your life. It`s the Confidence Factor!

Pages : 176
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