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  Ayurvedic Useful Plants of India (With their Medicinal Properties and uses in Medicine and Art)

Ayurvedic Useful Plants Of India (With Their Medicinal Properties And Uses In Medicine And Art)

by C.H. Drury

  Price : Rs 1500.00
  Your Price : Rs 1500.00
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  An increasing demand for everything relating to the vegetable production of India has of late years been the means of elicting from various quarters much useful information, tending to a more extensive acquaintance with, as well as improvement, of the natural resources of the country. The idea that a collection of ascertained facts regarding the uses of Indian Plants is still a desideratum, led to the compilation of the following pages. A vast quantity of miscellaneous matter is scattered throughout the pages of Rheede, Ainsile, Roxburgh, Wallich, Wight, Royle, and others who have written, on the subject of Indian botany; and it frequently occurred to me, that were an attempt made to collect in a single volume the various notices on the chief uses of plants as recorded in their works, it would form a some-what useful and desirable handbook to a knowledge of our botanical resources. The short description, which it is hoped are sufficient, are taken from the best authorities. In this book the author also given a nomenclature of the native names of the plants described.

ISBN - 9788187067658

Pages : 512
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