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  WordPress 3 Site Blueprints: Ready-made Plans for 9 Different Professional WordPress Sites

Wordpress 3 Site Blueprints: Ready-Made Plans For 9 Different Professional Wordpress Sites

by Heather R. Wallace

  Price : Rs 999.00
  Your Price : Rs 849.15
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  Sure, WordPress can be used for blogging, but this powerful software is capable of so much more. With the right combination of plugins, themes, customizations, and configurations WordPress can be transformed into a community portal, an e-commerce site, and much more. While it is easy to get started with WordPress, its full power is not obvious. There is very little that WordPress can`t do—if you can image it, then it`s probably possible with WordPress. If you want to create a powerful, fully-featured blog or non-blog website in no time, this book is for you.

What you will learn from this book:

Easily transform a static website into a fully-functional WordPress blog
Create a community portal where members can interact and share content
Build an e-commerce website where you will be able to sell a wide variety of products online
Set up a local classified ads website where users can register and then submit listings
Design a consumer review website where visitors may post their views and opinions about products and/or services
Create your own microblogging site that is either publicly or privately viewable
Build a standalone or an integrated job board site where companies can post listings that may be viewed by job seekers
Set up a local business directory where potential clients can browse member profiles submitted by businesses in their area
Design a membership site where you can sell subscriptions of various types
Use WordPress as a CMS and convert an HTML template into a dynamic WordPress theme
Edit WordPress theme files and hack plugins so that both are customized to your needs

ISBN - 9789350232798

Pages : 300
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