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  Aviation And The Global Atmosphere: A Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Aviation And The Global Atmosphere: A Special Report Of The Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change

by Joyce E. Penner

  Price : Rs 1750.00
  Your Price : Rs 1435.00
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  Contents: Summary for Policymakers. 1. Introduction. 2. Impacts of aircraft emissions on atmospheric ozone. 3. Aviation-produced aerosols and cloudiness. 4. Modeling the chemical composition of the future atmosphere. 5. Solar ultraviolet irradiance at the ground. 6. Potential climate change from aviation. 7. Aircraft technology and its relation to emissions. 8. Air transport operations and relation to emissions. 9. Aircraft emissions: current inventories and future scenarios. 10. Regulatory and market-based mitigation measures. References. Annexes.

"This Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report is the most comprehensive assessment available of the effects of aviation on the global atmosphere. The report considers all the gases and particles emitted by aircraft into the atmosphere and the role which they play in modifying the chemical properties of the atmosphere and initiating the formation of contrails. The report then considers how all this can modify the radiative properties of the atmosphere, leading to climate change, and can modify the ozone layer, leading to changes in ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth. The report also considers how potential changes in aircraft technology, air transport operations, and the institutional, regulatory, and economic framework might affect emissions in the future. The volume provides accurate, unbiased, policy-relevant information to serve the aviation industry, policy-makers, environmental organisations, and researchers in global change, atmospheric chemistry, and economics."

ISBN - 9780521664042

Pages : 384
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