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  Women Work Participation in Public and Private Sector Organisations

Women Work Participation In Public And Private Sector Organisations

by L. Thilagarani

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  Women Studies is a field that attracts different views and offers a vast scope for varied investigations. My interest and involvement in this area is related to a study of the working women in the larger context of their home and work environment with a view to assessing their contributing to society at large. It is an indisputable fact that women playa key role in managing the family finances, grooming children for their future roles and extending emotional and moral support to all of the family`s undertakings. Indian women, in particular, have as mothers, daughters, sisters and wives have been the cementing factors that have kept the family and society functioning smoothly and effectively. While these traditional and conventional roles of women-there `unpaid` jobs-have long remained unsung and unhonoured by many in society, they have been compelled to acknowledge and appreciate the growing number of women work force taking to `remunerative jobs` in both public and private sectors. The ever-increasing financial demands and necessities have of late encouraged more women to venture out and choose careers hitter to undreamt of or women faces fresh challenges both at the home front and at work place and she derives satisfaction and tastes success to the extent to which she can fulfill the expectation and balance the claims from both quarters. Women have always been involved in some form of productively both in and outside home to augment the family income; but the emerging scenario of women wielding responsibility and handling power outside home has made them more articulate opened up more avenues to utilize their abilities and talents, giving them a greater sense of achievement and fulfillment. Needless to say that it has also led to the exploding of a few myths over throwing of many meaningless conventions and questioning of many pet theories regarding women. It is heartening to note, however by large, working women have fought and overcome inhibitions and prejudices, taken advantage of their opportunities and giving their best to both fronts unstintingly, have reaped rich rewards for themselves. They have also helped to improve the socio¬economic status of their families and contributed to the development of their respective fields. My abiding interest in women studies and particularly the career women at all levels, let me to investigate their status, job satisfaction, quality of their output, work family conflict and their contribution to the socio-economic growth their region. A comprehension analysis and appraisal of this kind was a long-felt need and my research is an effort to gill that gap. For my study I have chosen women employed in both public and private sectors limiting my study to the women of Thoothukudi district, in the public sectors. I have covered women working in both central and state government understanding; in the private sector, women employed in industries as well as the services have been covered. A Study of such vast scope and dimensions was made possible primarily because of my esteemed Father, the prime source of my inspiration. He belief in my ability and his conviction guided me at every step helping me to see it through to a satisfying conclusion Starting from then familial profile; I have gone to explore the causes that govern their choice of a career factors that affect their performance and the quality of their work and the degree of job satisfaction feel. I have then proceeded to assess the impact their careers have hadan family life, the work family conflict, the positive financial benefits that accrue which proves a crucial and decisive factor that con till the balance. It is reassuring to find that at the end of the diligent and scientific study using regression and ANOVA as tools, I find that the family does enjoy a better financial status and the career woman too is poised to deal with the problems at the woo place and at home front with a greater degree of confidence. Women with careers, have proved their ability at decision making in the administrative sphere and their involvement, commitment, dedication and responsibility what ever the area or the level they are employed at. A shin in perspective, the right ordering of priorities, being sensitive and responsive to new developments help women cope up with, and combat the pressures home and career bring as always.
ISBN 9788183873277

Pages : 134
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