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  Professional Communication (Concept and Application) (HB)

Professional Communication (Concept And Application) (Hb)

by B.N. Jha

  Price : Rs 600.00
  Your Price : Rs 600.00
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  The book on “Professional Communication” is one of the most comprehensive books written on the subject. The book claims excellence because of the following reasons- The beauty and the efficacy of this book can be compactness. It contains almost all the aspects of communications at one place and therefore, is immensely useful for students, professionals and therefore, is immensely useful for students, professionals and even general readers who desire to home their skills in this area which one of the most important factors for success in life. The book authors on this subject as a result of which the book has become a storehouse of wisdom on this subject. All the topics have been explained in succinct manner in analytical style and efficacy to sustain the interest of the readers. The book is highly educative, interesting and edifying. I hope the readers will appreciate the effort made by the author to present this book before them.
ISBN 9788183873666

Pages : 205
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