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  The Himalayan Musk Deer - The Light Within : The Manager`s Search for Identity

The Himalayan Musk Deer - The Light Within : The Manager`S Search For Identity

by Ram Parthasarathy

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 535.50
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  Choosing the himalayan musk deer as a metaphor in the title of this ground-breaking book, retired telecommunications expert Ram Parthasarthy likens the restlessness of the mountain animal in eternal quest of territory to an overanxious executive who fails to stay still and reflect that his potential to succeed lies in himself, not in the conquest of others. First, he says, the individual must recognize the legitimacy of hia aspirations. The organisation must then back this up by providing a company culture that welds all its members to a corporate purpose, a
world of opportunity, a path that will lead to them fulfilling those very aspirations while furthering the common good. Introspection leads to enlightened self-interest, says Parthasarathy. And self-analysis and
self-development are concepts embedded in the Indian psyche. It is essential to revive them. In The Himalayan Musk Deer, Parthasarathy shares his experience in motivating professionals, both Indian and International. The implicit idea in leadership of complex projects, says Parthasarathy, is vibrant respect and recognition of the self-interest of every individual and the engineering of a mood of positive introspection
in them. The recognition, coupled with a secular attitude and professionalism, illumines Parthasarathy’s approach for sparkling the light within.

ISBN - 9789380658711

Pages : 302
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