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  A Crash Course in AIEEE Chemistry 2011

A Crash Course In Aieee Chemistry 2011

by K. K. Arora

  Price : Rs 199.00
  Your Price : Rs 163.18
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  A Crash Course in AIEEE Chemistry 2011 focuses on the latest format, structure and syllabus of the All-India Engineering Entrance Examination. The whole syllabus is divided into an easy-to-grasp 25-day module, followed by four comprehensive weekly tests to assess understanding and accuracy. Cumulative tests have also been provided for the end of every week to further improve confidence and speed.

# Preface v WEEK 1 Day 1: Some Basic Concepts In Chemistry
# Day 2: States of Matter
# Day 3: Atomic Structure
# Day 4: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
# Day 5: Chemical Thermodynamics
# Day 6: Equilibrium
# Day 7: Weekly Test 1 WEEK 2
# Day 8: Electro Chemistry
# Day 9: Chemical Kinetics
# Day 10: Periodic Classification of Elements
# Day 11: Principles and Processes of Extraction of Elements
# Day 12: Periodic Classification of Elements
# Day 13: p-Block Elements
# Day 14: Weekly Test 2 Cumulative Test 1 WEEK 3
# Day 15: Transition Metals Including Lanthanides
# Day 16: Co-ordination Compounds and Organometallics
# Day 17: Environmental Chemistry
# Day 18: General Organic Chemistry
# Day 19: Hydrocarbons
# Day 20: Organic Compounds Containing Halogens and Oxygen
# Day 21: Weekly Test 3 Cumulative Test WEEK 4
# Day 22: Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
# Day 23: Polymers
# Day 24: Chemistry in Service of Man
# Day 25: Weekly Test 4 Cumulative Test Practice Tests and Original Papers Practice Tests Original Papers

ISBN - 9788131756843

Pages : 320
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