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  MathsAhead Book 3: With Maths Lab Activities

Mathsahead Book 3: With Maths Lab Activities

by Alamelu, K

  Price : Rs 345.00
  Your Price : Rs 293.25
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  MathsAhead is a series of twelve books for teaching mathematics from the pre-primary to the secondary level. It is meant for schools which take pride in developing both, clear concepts as well as razor sharp calculation skills in children. MathsAhead Pr A-5 takes into account the new syllabus guidelines provided by the NCERT and also incorporates opinions of teachers from all over India. The result is a comprehensive series that can be use effectively by all schools irrespective of the Board they are affiliated to.

* MathsAhead Pr A-5 is now in full colour. Visual appeal has been further enhanced by using a larger format with a more attractive layout.
* Included in the CD edition of MathsAhead are CDs with additional mathematical activities and games to develop Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in children, the latest buzzword in education. Those using the non-CD edition of MathsAhead can also benefit from the CDs, as these are separately available in the market.


Pages : 164
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