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  Introduction to Micromachining

Introduction To Micromachining

by V. K. Jain

  Price : Rs 420.00
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  Introduction to Micromachining discusses the working principles, the laboratory models developed and the applications of different individual micromachining processes. It basically deals with two classes of aµ-machining processes: one used for shaping and sizing of aµ-products and macro-products, for example, electrochemical micromachining, electrodischarge micromachining and laser beam micro machining diamond turning etc. The second class of aµ-machining are aµ-/ nano-finishing techniques useful for both aµ and macro products. These processes include abrasive flow machining, magnetic abrasive finishing, magnetic float polishing, etc. This book is an outcome of a joint effort by a group of Professors from renowned institutions (IITs, NITs. etc.) involved in high level research in related areas on which they have written to meet the requirements of Undergraduate and Postgraduate students as a text book and as a reference book for those involved in the research work in aµ-machining area.
ISBN 9788173199158

Pages : 424
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