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  Sangam Symphony Class 3 Term 2

Sangam Symphony Class 3 Term 2

by V Saraswathi, Padma Ravindran, Abha Sahgal, Sumitra Shiromani, N Vijayan, Anjana Jain, M V M Velmurugan, Sushmita Malik, C Jeysankar, , Feiyola Fernando, Jyoti Bhansali, Anupam Sinha & Rohini Purang

  Price : Rs 264.00
  Your Price : Rs 224.40
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  Sangam Symphony is a new series of term books based on the Tamil Nadu Matriculation Syllabus that incorporates General Knowledge and Computer Science in addition to the core subjects of English, Mathematics, EVS, Science and Social Studies. This set of 15 books is patterned as Sangam Symphony class 1-2; Terms 1-3: cossisting of English, Mathematics, Environmental Studies and General Knowledge & Sangam Symphony Class 3-5; Terms 1-3: consisting of English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Computer Science and General Knowledge.

Pages : 164
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